A History of My PC GPU’s
I have owned a few graphics cards over the past 26 years so I thought it’d be fun to look back at what they looked like, what games I played and a bit about the computer they were installed in.
Year purchased: 1994
Operating System: Windows 3.11 and Windows 95
Top 3 games:
- Aladdin
- Prince of Persia
- Toonstruck
Year purchased: 1998
Operating System: Windows 98 and Windows XP
Top 3 games:
- Carmageddon
- Deus Ex
- Half Life
Year purchased: 1999
Operating System: Windows 98 and Windows XP
Top 3 games:
- Half Life
- Homeworld
- Quake 3 Arena
Year purchased: 2002
Operating System: Windows XP
Top 3 games:
- Black & White
- Jedi Knight 2
- Max Payne 1 & 2
Year purchased: 2003
Operating System: Windows XP
Top 3 games:
- Prince of Persia Sands of Time
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
- Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004
Year purchased: 2004
Operating System: Windows XP
Top 3 games:
- Half Life 2
- Homeworld 2
- Unreal Tournament 3
Year purchased: 2007
Operating System: Windows Vista and Windows 7
Top 3 games:
- Bioshock
- Impossible Creatures
- Ragnarok Online
Year purchased: 2008
- Operating System: Windows 7
Top 3 games:
- C&C Generals: Zero Hour
- Just Cause 2
- Sins of a Solar Empire
Year purchased: 2010
Operating System: Windows 7 and Ubuntu
Top 3 games:
- N/A as I used my PC for gaming
Year purchased: 2013
Top 3 games:
- Bioshock Infinite
- Far Cry 3 and 4
- Skyrim
Operating System: Windows 7
Year purchased: 2015
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 10 and Manjaro Linux
Top 3 games:
- N/A as I used my PC with the GTX 670 for gaming
Year purchased: 2017
Operating System: Windows 10 and Ubuntu
Top 3 games:
- N/A as I used my PC with the GTX 670 for gaming
Year borrowed: 2019
My GTX 670 is too old and starting to die so I borrowed this card to carry me over
Top 3 games:
- EVE Online
- Overwatch
- The Witcher 3
Operating System: Windows 10
I’m currently tossing up between a GeForce 3070 or Radeon 6700 XT, although current pressures on my household budget with Christmas and stuff mean if I could satiate myself now with an AORUS GeForce 3070, only for the new Radeon’s to drop in January with a way better bang for buck. There’s still no word of an AORUS variant of the Radeon either, and it would be nice to crown my 2019 AORUS themed PC with a long overdue brand new graphics card.
Thank you for reading! Want more content? Follow me on
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